Meticulous | Organized | Creative | Trustworthy| Authentic | Kind

These are the qualities my clients use to describe me, and they faithfully embody the values that guide Fusion Virtuelle.

My name is Nathalie Guimond, founder and CEO of Fusion Virtuelle.

With over 25 years of administrative experience, your business will be in good hands.

As a mother, wife, and administration professional, my professional and personal skills have evolved over time. My journey, marked by challenges, has constantly driven me to improve, seeking excellence in everything I do. Wearing multiple hats has sharpened my ability to find creative business solutions.

I've had the privilege of working in various administrative fields, including roles as an administrative assistant and executive assistant. Over the years, I've gained strong administrative skills in sectors such as education, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, and aerospace. With my expertise, I can offer my clients quick and efficient services.

I love challenges! None are too big or too small. If, for any reason, I'm unable to assist, I'll do my best to ensure my clients receive the service they need through my contacts.

If you're bogged down in administrative backlog, need help managing your email inbox, schedule, or even assistance with phone follow-ups with your clients, Fusion Virtuelle is here to help you focus on your zone of genius.

I look forward to learning more about you and your business. Don't miss any more client opportunities; provide them with an exceptional experience by entrusting me with your administrative tasks.

💼 Schedule your free consultation today, and let's discuss all your business needs.